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Ross Valley Teachers Association
Collective Bargaining Unit for the Educators of the Ross Valley School District
NEW! 2024-2025
Marin County Salary Comparisons
Remember why we are at impasse for this 2023-2024 school year...
RVTA's ask of $9,000 is $70,288 for 23-24 would move Ross Valley between San Rafael High and San Rafael Elementary. RVSD's offer of 2% is $62,513 and makes no change in the comparisions.
ROSS VALLEY MID CAREER EDUCATORS WITH POST GRADUATE DEGREES ARE THE LOWEST PAID IN MARIN COUNTY FOR 24-25. RVTA's ask of $9,000 is $102,833 for 23-24 would move Ross Valley between Miller Creek and Shoreline. RVSD's offer of 2% is $95,709, and moves RVSD between Novato and Nicasio.
ROSS VALLEY'S SUPERMAX EDUCATORS ARE 2ND TO THE BOTTOM IN COUNTY COMPARISIONS FOR 24-25. RVTA's ask of $9,000 is $124,488 for 23-24 would move Ross Valley between Kentfield and Shoreline. RVSD's offer of 2% is $117,797 and makes no change in the comparisions.
Marin County
School Districts'
Salary Settlement Comparisons for 2024-2025, as of 12/8/2023.
How is 2% Competitive?
Time for RVSD to Prioritize Attracting & Retaining Highest Qulaity Educators for Students.
History of RVSD Salary Increases to RVTA:
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