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RVTA & RVSD. 2023-2024
Negotiation, Impasse,
Mediation, & Settlement

Marin County
School Districts'
Salary Settlement Comparisons for 2024-2025, as of 12/8/2023.

How is 2k Competitive? 

Time for RVSD to Prioritize Attracting & Retaining Highest Quality Educators for Students.

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Mediation Update
Monday 3-11-24

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Ross Valley Teachers Association and Ross Valley School District Were Unable to Reach a Contract Agreement for the CURRENT 23-24 School Year.





RVTA and RVSD met on February 1st 2024 to negotiate a 3rd time for a salary increase for this year 23-24 contract.  In this meeting RVSD stated that the 2% salary increase currently on the table for 23-24 was their 'last, best, and final' offer to their teachers.

RVTA declared impasse.

Impasse means both sides could not come to an agreement

for fair wage compensation for this 23-24 school year.  

Now, the state will send in a mediator to help both parties come to an agreement. Timeline TBD.




The current RVSD salary offer for educators is not competitive in Marin County. ​​

  • We are near or at the bottom for salary comparisons in Marin County. 

  • Most districts in Marin County have settled their contracts and wage increases for this year 23-24, and for next year 24-25.

  • Accepting 2% for this year would put RVSD even farther behind in the county comparisons.

  • Inflation is currently hovering at 3.4%


We want to retain the excellent teachers we have, and attract new, high quality teachers for our students.  A competitive salary allows RVSD to pull from the best candidates available, and keep the incredible teachers we currently have. 
When hiring, many Marin County school districts now accept all years of service when placing educators on the salary schedule, when in the past, they would cap it at about 10 years depending on the district. Teachers can now go to a higher paying district and transfer all their years of service.



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With a 2% Increase:
A new teacher on Column I Step I would have a yearly increase of $1225.76 which is $102.15 per month before deductions for taxes and retirement.
An educator currently on Column IV Step 12 would have a yearly raise of $1876.66 which breaks down to $156.39 per month before deductions for taxes and retirement.

Think about how much your grocery bill, gas tank, and utilities expenses have increased.  Is this enough?

Marin County
School Districts'
Salary Settlement Comparisons for 2024-2025, as of 12/8/2023.

How is 2% Competitive? 

Time for RVSD to Prioritize Attracting & Retaining Highest Quality Educators for Students.

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